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Jose’s Blog: Ways to Stay Active in Winter

Columbus, IN, USA / QMIX 107.3

Welcome back to my blog! I really hope that you are all doing great. I am doing great in case you were going to ask me that. I have actually started to get back on my cycling after a couple of weeks. For me, it is really difficult to exercise outdoors during the winter, because of the temperature, and how sometimes it can even be dangerous for us to be outside. I really need to exercise in the winter somehow because I gain weight if I gobble on Christmas or holiday foods a little bit way too much. I found some great way to be active during the winter that might really benefit you too if you want to exercise yearly, but more especially during the winter. 

For those who like to run, or go on bike rides, please try to bundle up! One thing that I got told is to dress up warmly as it was 20 degrees outside. For example, if it’s 30 degrees outside, dress up as it was 50 degrees. This really helps me, because sometimes I dress up a lot, but I sweat a lot, too. Make sure you wear something that cars, or vehicles can see. In the winter, it gets dark really early, and it will really help if you add a light on your bike, or if you wear a colorful suit for your run. Make sure you hydrate during these months, because of the cold air. Also, don’t go too hard on your exercise. From personal experience, when I bike really fast in cold, my lungs hurt afterwards because of the cold air mixing in with the warm air in our bodies as we breathe. 

If you would not like to go outside during these cold months, I totally understand that! Try going to a gym. If you like cycling, I highly recommend Sky Sport Fitness located just in downtown Columbus! Their indoor cycling classes are beyond incredible, and Christine, and Madison are just awesome instructors.