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Franklin College gets $1M gift

Columbus, IN, USA / QMIX 107.3
Franklin College gets $1M gift

Jan/Roger Johnson-Courtesy-Franklin College

FRANKLIN, Ind. – Franklin College announced Monday it recently received a $1 million gift commitment from Roger and Janice (Jan) Johnson of Scottsdale, Arizona, and their two adult children, Greg Johnson and Heather Needham. The gift will designate the basketball court in the Elwood Fitness Center as the “Wonder Five Court.”

“I am tremendously grateful to the Johnson family. This generous gift not only honors the legendary Wonder Five teams, but it also moves forward a project that will enhance our fitness, recreational, and athletic facilities, plus significantly impact current and future Grizzlies,” said Franklin College President Kerry Prather.

The Johnsons consider Franklin and the surrounding area their home, even though they are no longer residents. They own the Johnson Family farm, east of the college. Franklin, and especially Franklin College, have been a major part of their family for decades with multiple family members graduating from the college and serving on the Board of Trustees.

“Jan and I are happy and proud to have a small part in preserving the great legacy of the Franklin Wonder Five at Franklin College,” said Roger Johnson.

The complete story about the Johnsons and their gift to Franklin College is available here.